In the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, many small medical practices, community hospitals, federally-specialty practices, qualified health centers, rural health clinics, critical access hospitals, mental health practitioners, and veterinarians face the challenge of quickly establishing telehealth services. Rising to the challenge, the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) freely offers this Quick-Start Guide to Telehealth to anyone who needs it.
Stay Informed: We alert our readers that this is simply a “quick start.” The response to COVID-19 is changing on a daily basis, and there will be many detailed and nuanced decisions and processes on this journey. In any health emergency, the situation is fluid, and healthcare providers must remain nimble.
We have included specific COVID-19 resources for healthcare providers in this Quick-Start Guide, and cannot stress enough the importance of accessing these resources and returning to them frequently for ongoing updates.
READ FULL GUIDE – ATA_QuickStart_Guide_to_Telehealth